MP3 Model Behaviour by Jay McInerney (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

MP3 Model Behaviour by Jay McInerney (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

MP3 Model Behaviour by Jay McInerney (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

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Book description
Loved Bright Lights,Big Cityand have lost count how many times I have read it mainly because it was a bit rough around the edges, really funny, and captured the vibe of 80s New York similar to what Bret Easton Ellis did with American Psycho, so I was disappointed with this as felt McInerney was almost trying to hard, it was too polished and clever for its own good like he was trying to write an Easton Ellis novel instead of his own and with self indulgent characters who quite frankly were just plain boring there was not really enough to keep me interested. On the plus side there were some great one-liners and Conners sister Brook who was anorexic and seemed to be carrying all the problems in the world on her shoulders I did take to my heart.
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