MP3 Mini Cupcakes by Leslie Fiet bookshop macbook book german without registering

MP3 Mini Cupcakes by Leslie Fiet bookshop macbook book german without registering

MP3 Mini Cupcakes by Leslie Fiet bookshop macbook book german without registering

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Book description
Mini Cupcakes specifies the finest ingredients, including Madagascar vanilla, dark Belgium chocolate, and organic fruits to create amazing mini cupcake creations. Combine great cake recipes, such as Key Largo Lime or Chocoholic, with filling recipes, such as banana cream or salted caramel. Add frosting and toppings such as white chocolate ganache or margarita cream cheese and you have endless combinations of rich and decadent goodness. With tips for making, baking, and decorating, this cookbook offers perfect combinations, from the Breakfast at Tiffanys cupcake to Pretty in Pink, from the Diva cupcake to the Mocha Latte. Part delicious cupcake, part tiny pieces of art, Minis cupcakes are the perfect treat to satisfy your cravings or entertain in style.
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