MP3 Marshall Fields: A Building from the Chicago Architecture Foundation by Jay Pridmore txt online free

MP3 Marshall Fields: A Building from the Chicago Architecture Foundation by Jay Pridmore txt online free

MP3 Marshall Fields: A Building from the Chicago Architecture Foundation by Jay Pridmore txt online free

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Book description
I found this tiny book (63 pages) hiding on a shelf in the basement of an antique store a few weeks ago. Ive read this and read it again and again since I found it. I love this book. This is a fun find for someone like me who loves everything about Chicago, including the amazing architecture found there. I cant wait to find the other books in this series from the Chicago Architecture Foundation. The author of this one (and the others in the series), Jay Pridmore, has written several books about Chicago that Ive read and enjoyed so I immediately bought this when I saw it, knowing I would probably love it and appreciate it. This wonderful little book is intended for anyone with an interest in Marshall Fields, Chicago architecture and the architects who gave it to us. It’s a brief, informal history of Marshall Field, the man and his company, but this is a book dedicated to architecture after all, and thats mainly what it concentrates on: the timeline, the architects and the architecture of the beautiful Marshall Field’s State Street store in downtown Chicago. This is the first time Ive come across one of these “building books” from the Chicago Architecture Foundation and I’m eager to find the others in the series - all brief little books that are about important buildings in Chicago architecture - as this is a subject I’ve always been interested in (fascinated with). This is a quick read but is still an important, useful ode to the magical Marshall Field’s store that was (it’s now a Macy’s) in the heart of Chicago’s downtown shopping district. I love this book and would recommend it to anyone with an interest in Marshall Field’s, Chicago history and/or Chicago architecture.
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