MP3 Living Without by Lila Rose (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

MP3 Living Without by Lila Rose (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

MP3 Living Without by Lila Rose (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

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Book description
For the past four years, Nary May’s heart belonged to Saxon “Vicious” Black. Despite the painful reality of unrequited love, her feelings never strayed, no matter what he did. But there comes a time when surviving means letting go. What she never expected was to find herself fighting for her life and trying to survive a new form of torment threatening to swallow her whole. Saxon was broken. Never feeling worthy, the last thing he ever wanted to do was taint the woman he loved. But it was easier to push and walk away than leave himself open for more heartache. However, when faced with the possibility of losing Nary to the monsters that invade her dreams, the time to run was over.To save her means risking it all, but to continue living without his heart was no longer an option.
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