MP3 Little Fish, Lost by Nancy Van Laan store book mp3 iphone ipad

MP3 Little Fish, Lost by Nancy Van Laan store book mp3 iphone ipad

MP3 Little Fish, Lost by Nancy Van Laan store book mp3 iphone ipad

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Book description
Little Fish lost his mother where was she, where was she?Little Fish lost his mother, yes, he didEven though readers can spot Little Fishs mother on every spread -- if they look hard enough -- he cannot. Young children will eagerly join him on his search up, down and all around an African watering hole, where animals like hippo, okapi, turtle, and crayfish live. And theyll celebrate the joyful finale -- the long-awaited mother and child reunion.Once again, Nancy Van Laan has brilliantly done what she does best: created a wonderfully engaging and rhythmic read-aloud for the youngest child. Jane Conteh-Morgans clever, vibrant illustrations perfectly complement the heartfelt story.
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