MP3 Kingyo Used Books, Vol. 4 by Seimu Yoshizaki epub ibooks

MP3 Kingyo Used Books, Vol. 4 by Seimu Yoshizaki epub ibooks

MP3 Kingyo Used Books, Vol. 4 by Seimu Yoshizaki epub ibooks

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Book description
This manga bookstore has a thousand stories to tell.Reads R to L (Japanese Style). In this volume: A disaffected boy searches for something to put a spark in his tedious life...and finds a manga that puts the fear of the devil in him. A guy and girl cant find anything they have in common—until they discover a mutual love of a certain gender-bending martial arts manga. After a schlubby nerd loses his cool at the handsome manga freaks at Kingyo, a classic horror manga teaches him that beauty is only skin deep. Natsukis search for her missing mother takes her to a manga museum that has special meaning for her parents. Someone is setting fire to used bookstores, and Kingyo may be next—unless two mismatched manga fans can stop the arsonist!
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