MP3 Kids Pick The Funniest Poems: Poems That Make Kids Laugh (Giggle Poetry) by Bruce Lansky (Goodreads Author) (Editor) download acquire full version book no registration

MP3 Kids Pick The Funniest Poems: Poems That Make Kids Laugh (Giggle Poetry) by Bruce Lansky (Goodreads Author) (Editor) download acquire full version book no registration

MP3 Kids Pick The Funniest Poems: Poems That Make Kids Laugh (Giggle Poetry) by Bruce Lansky (Goodreads Author) (Editor) downloa…

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Book description
Kids Pick The Funniest Poems[Hardcover:]by Stephen CarpenterThis book is about differnt kids pick the funest poems.One of the poemes if I can rember.Is about were does the bus driver go while all of us kids are at school?So kids is staring to belive that different things happento the bus driver.One of the kids belive that he was a super hero!!He flew above tall buldings and saves people. And another believed he was out fighting crime. He helped save the world by capturing bad people and putting them away.At the end of the story all the kids were glad because he was never late picking them up to take them to school or to take them home. So no matter what he did while they were at school they just knew that they were happy to be out of school and on their way home. As they left the bus to go home they all wondered what did the bus driver do while were at school.
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