MP3 Just A Taste Of Me by Stormy Glenn (Goodreads Author) pocket iphone book free get

MP3 Just A Taste Of Me by Stormy Glenn (Goodreads Author) pocket iphone book free get

MP3 Just A Taste Of Me by Stormy Glenn (Goodreads Author) pocket iphone book free get

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Book description
[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M]Reece knows Keeley is his mate the moment he meets him. But Keeley is not only human, hes a man. Alpha of his own pack for just three months, having a man for a mate is a headache Reece doesnt need. But not claiming his mate is not an option.However, Keeley is unlike any man he has ever met, from the top of his gorgeous honey blond hair to the bottom of his fire engine red painted toenails, Keeley is hot! Reece becomes even more enchanted with his new mate when Keeley loses his temper with Reece and hits him with a cookie sheet.Just when Reece accepts being mated to a man and starts to care for him, Keeley is attacked and nearly dies. Reece discovers a plot that involves more than just the death of his mate, but his entire pack. Can Reece save Keeley and his pack, or will he have to choose between them?
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