MP3 Jonathan Edwards: On Revival by Jonathan Edwards view spanish free francais itunes

MP3 Jonathan Edwards: On Revival by Jonathan Edwards view spanish free francais itunes

MP3 Jonathan Edwards: On Revival by Jonathan Edwards view spanish free francais itunes

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Book description
One of my first mentors in the faith was a man named Dennis Hooper (No, not the guy from Easy Rider).  Dr. Hooper had a fire for revival, and it caught me.  I long to see God move in a way that defies conventional explanation.  20 years later, and Im still praying for it (and by praying, I mean forgetting about it for months at a time, then saying a lazy token prayer).  I thought Id see what programs the great Jonathan Edwards recommends.  Silly me.  If Ive learned anything, its that revival isn’t something you can trick God into doing.  God will move as he sees fit.  I was teasing with that programs line, but I thought Edwards would have some suggestions.  This was more his observation of the revival going on in his time.  Still, a worthy exercise.    Couple Notes:-Surprisingly tolerant of affective worship-Pictorial imaginings of God during prayer and worship-Danger of using anything but Scripture as authority.      ala Philosophy (p. 64)-Praying for the same revival then as now. p. 90-Dont be the older brother! (p. 128)
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