MP3 Jerzy Kosinski: A Biography by James Park Sloan book fb2 online

MP3 Jerzy Kosinski: A Biography by James Park Sloan book fb2 online

MP3 Jerzy Kosinski: A Biography by James Park Sloan book fb2 online

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Book description
Kosinski : the biggest fakir of all, at last, stripped bare. His legend was pushed by NYTs fake news editors, the infamous duo - Rosenthal & Gelb - of the period. They also did same w the Kitty Genovese murder. And you wonder why many good people dont trust the media?? We know The Painted Bird, which gave GR readers prickly heat, came from a (sick) imagination and was written by a series of assistants. When The Village Voice (NY) questioned its authenticity, NYT engineered a smear campaign against the weekly and its editors. Jerzy himself was a painted bird. He couldnt fly.
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