MP3 Imaginary Maps by Mahasweta Devi download text story epub sale

MP3 Imaginary Maps by Mahasweta Devi download text story epub sale

MP3 Imaginary Maps by Mahasweta Devi download text story epub sale

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Book description
Imaginary Maps consists of a short story (The Hunt) and two novellas (Douloti the Bountiful and Pterodactyl, Puran Sahay, and Pirtha) by prolific fiction-writer, journalist, and activist Mahasweta Devi. Theyve been translated from Bengali to English by postcolonial feminist literary critic and theorist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak--who also includes an interview with the author and an introductory essay that help situate the stories in a cultural and historical context thats very unfamiliar for most US readers. These stories are well worth reading, but they are not fun reads--the two novellas in particular deal with truly bleak and heartbreaking situations.All three pieces focus on the lives of tribal people (or Adivasis, original inhabitants) in India. The Hunt and Douloti the Bountiful attend especially to issues of sexual power, sexual violence, and tribal womens position in Indian society; Pterodactyl, Puran Sahay, and Pirtha does fascinating work with memory, history, identity, and the relationships amongst various sorts of pasts and various sorts of truths. In this volume and in much of her work, Mahasweta Devi attempts to depict the suffering and beauty of tribal people in India and--she indicates--all over the world.
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