MP3 Hyper-Parenting: Are You Hurting Your Child Trying Too hard? by Alvin Rosenfeld story pocket amazon download djvu

MP3 Hyper-Parenting: Are You Hurting Your Child Trying Too hard? by Alvin Rosenfeld story pocket amazon download djvu

MP3 Hyper-Parenting: Are You Hurting Your Child Trying Too hard? by Alvin Rosenfeld story pocket amazon download djvu

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Book description
If I could back in time before ever having children, I would go back and give myself this book. It is a wonderful, much needed reality check for mothers like me that are so anxious to try to live up to impossible parenting standards and produce wonder children. Yes, its a good thing to be involved in your childrens lives, but there has to be a healthy balance. Parents need to have lives, too! My favorite chapter was about the experts. For some reason, many parents believe that if they read the right books and follow the right system, their kids will grow up happy, wealthy, and wise. Its hard to follow the expert advice, though, since so much of it is contradictory and not applicable to individual children. Rosenfeld argued that raising children is not like fixing a car. There is no instruction manual for people. What works for one kid wont for another. He said the best tool for a parent dealing with so much advice is to use a healthy dose of skepticism. The authors even make an excellent case that children need space growing up. They need to make mistakes and occasionally suffer the consequences of mistakes. That is a normal part of growing up that will help prepare them for the real world. As an adult, you shouldnt consult your parents before making any decision, although they are a good source of advice. Backing off from the helicopter parenting style will help your kids grow independent so they can someday spread their wings and fly away from the nest.
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