MP3 Home Now (A Short Story) by Suzie O'Connell (Goodreads Author) online kindle ios shop offline

MP3 Home Now (A Short Story) by Suzie O'Connell (Goodreads Author) online kindle ios shop offline

MP3 Home Now (A Short Story) by Suzie O'Connell (Goodreads Author) online kindle ios shop offline

> READ BOOK > JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming

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Book description
JavaScript for Kids is a lighthearted introduction to the JavaScript language and programming in general. With the help of kid-friendly examples, author Nick Morgan teaches the essentials of JavaScript. Morgan starts with the basics of strings, arrays, and loops, then moves on to show readers how to modify elements with jQuery and draw graphics with canvas. By the end of the book, youll be ready to create your own fun animations and games and youll have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of JavaScript.
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