MP3 Hollywood Gamers: Digital Convergence in the Film and Video Game Industries by Robert Alan Brookey book mobi online

MP3 Hollywood Gamers: Digital Convergence in the Film and Video Game Industries by Robert Alan Brookey book mobi online

MP3 Hollywood Gamers: Digital Convergence in the Film and Video Game Industries by Robert Alan Brookey book mobi online

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Book description
For years, major film studios have licensed products related to their most popular films; video game spin-offs have become an important part of these licensing practices. Where blockbuster films are concerned, the video game release has become the rule rather than the exception. In Hollywood Gamers, Robert Alan Brookey explores the business conditions and technological developments that have facilitated the convergence of the film and video game industries. Brookey treats video games as rhetorical texts and critically examines several games to determine how specific industrial conditions are manifest in game design. Among the games (and films) discussed are Lord of the Rings, The Godfather, Spider-Man, and Iron Man.
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