MP3 Godless Morality: Keeping Religion Out of Ethics by Richard Holloway pdf ibooks

MP3 Godless Morality: Keeping Religion Out of Ethics by Richard Holloway pdf ibooks

MP3 Godless Morality: Keeping Religion Out of Ethics by Richard Holloway pdf ibooks

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Book description
(3.5) A clear, convincing and compassionate case for why the Bible should not be the basis of societal morality. You might assume this would come from one of the New Atheists, but nope – Holloway was the Bishop of Edinburgh at the time he wrote this. His arguments are along the lines of: Christians have been too quick to codify context-specific rituals and traditions into blanket law; we have a tendency to pick and choose what we want the Bible to say (emphasizing the parts about sex and ignoring the bits about the poor and social justice); we’ve gotten it wrong before when it comes to morality (slavery is just the beginning); and, in general, we try to oversimplify the diversity and mystery of human life. This was written in 1999. The most helpful chapter is about homosexuality, while those about the legalization of marijuana, abortion and bio-ethics feel rather dated. There are many brilliant statements, but the practical application part isn’t as successful.Some favorite lines:“mature people try to learn to live with contradictions rather than insisting on neat resolutions.”“this is the origin of morality, this need to find some kind of balance between instinctive and intentional life, between the drive of the species and the consciousness of the individual.”“scripture was made for humanity and not humanity for scripture. We should not, therefore, have to torture [contort] scripture into self-contradictory positions, when it no longer conforms to our experience of truth and value. It is much more honest to abandon it”“Morality is more an art than a science and it calls for a certain versatility from us”“most human disagreement is between opposing goods rather than between right and wrong.”“We assume that our pleasures, because they are ours, are more benign and less problematic than the pleasures of strangers.”“Human nature has a tendency to hedonistic inflation, to turn good or neutral things into bad by using them excessively.”
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