MP3 Gap Life by John Coy (Goodreads Author) text view writer download amazon

MP3 Gap Life by John Coy (Goodreads Author) text view writer download amazon

MP3 Gap Life by John Coy (Goodreads Author) text view writer download amazon

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Book description
Cray got into the same college his father attended and is expected to go. And to go pre-med. And to get started right away. His parents are paying the tuition. It should be an easy decision.But its not.All Cray knows is that whats expected of him doesnt feel right. The pressure to make a decision—from his family, his friends—is huge. Until he meets Rayne, a girl who is taking a gap year, and who helps him find his first real job, at a home of four adults with developmental disabilities. What he learns about himself and others will turn out to be more than any university could teach him—and twice as difficult.
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