MP3 First Impressions: Creating Wow Experiences In Your Church by Mark L. Waltz phone eng ebay online itunes

MP3 First Impressions: Creating Wow Experiences In Your Church by Mark L. Waltz phone eng ebay online itunes

MP3 First Impressions: Creating Wow Experiences In Your Church by Mark L. Waltz phone eng ebay online itunes

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Book description
Before a service even begins, first-time guests usually decide whether theyll return to your church. This means church leaders need to create no-fail; practical ways to ensure a visitors first impression is the best impression. Author Mark Waltz shares the strategies that work in his church--and takes greeting to a whole new level.When guests feel valued, they will return. And when they do, theyll have the opportunity to experience Jesus love. Let visitors know You matter to God, so you matter to us.Adapt these practical ideas to your churchs unique setting, and it wont be long before everyone feels welcome:Learn how to create a church thats welcoming to guests with strategies on:— developing senior leadership— traffic flow— the walk to the door— to shake hands or not?— directional signs or people?Address the philosophy, strategy and implementation of a ministry that welcomes first-time and returning guests. Gain sure-fire, practical ways to make the first impression the best impression.
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