MP3 Feminism, Political Economy & the State: Contested Terrain by Pat Armstrong get german sale download selling

MP3 Feminism, Political Economy & the State: Contested Terrain by Pat Armstrong get german sale download selling

MP3 Feminism, Political Economy & the State: Contested Terrain by Pat Armstrong get german sale download selling

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Book description
Feminist struggles have targeted corporate capital, male-dominated social, however, has provided the most substantial focus. The public sector is an employer of great numbers of women; women are the largest consumers of state services; the state regulates both the capitalist economy and the private household; struggle with the state has brought about any change that is favourable to womens lives. Readers of this book will be exposed to different modes of understanding the state. They will advance their understanding of how the struggle against the state is to be shaped. And they will be energized to carry on the struggle.
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