MP3 Explorer by Kathryn Hockett book text online view format

MP3 Explorer by Kathryn Hockett book text online view format

MP3 Explorer by Kathryn Hockett book text online view format

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Book description
A MAGNIFICENT HORIZONUnaware he is the second son of a powerful Viking Jarl, dark-haired Sean was raised in an Irish monastery, destined to become a man of letters. But then he offers shelter to a lovely young slave--and changes his life forever. For when Natasha is recaptured and dispatched to Russia aboard a Danish Viking ship, Sean knows that he must rescue her. With Viking blood coursing through his veins, he ventures through the high seas to an exotic land--seeking his heritage, his family, and his lady love. AN UNCHARTED PASSIONTasha had admired handsome, powerful Sean from afar and sensed that he was a man who would offer his protection when she fled her captors. Though their time together blossomed quickly into passion, cruel fate soon tore her from his embrace. Now, aboard a slave ship bound for Russia, Tasha is stunned to be reunited with her hearts desire, who has been transformed into a Nordic warrior with bone-deep courage--and to whom she will pledge her own destiny...wherever it takes her.
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