MP3 Evolution (Routes of Science) by Jen Green fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

MP3 Evolution (Routes of Science) by Jen Green fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

MP3 Evolution (Routes of Science) by Jen Green fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

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Book description
I found this book alright for few reasons. This book as the title says it talks about evolution. Evolution is the process of which living things can change over time. Someone named Lamarck believed that evolution happened when as the muscle or other body parts of an animal becomes stronger or weaker to suit their surroundings. For example, he thought giraffes evolved from the short-necked animal that had stretched their necks to get food from trees. And they one day had long necks, that was from Lamarck’s perspective. Evolution is not only related to the science of earth it can also be related to medicine, light, gravity, or even electricity. Medicine started in 2500 BC by Chinese doctors who used acupuncture. Acupuncture is a technique used to reduce the pain by inserting very short needles into your body. Way later in 1628 William Harvey explains how the circulation of blood works. And the most recent big event was when a Japanese physician Seishu Hoanoka performs surgery with general anesthesia. This is a summary of my book.If I could give an alternative title for this book, I would switch the original title Evolution to The Evolution of The History. Because Evolution is a bit too vast but this book talks about all kind of evolution such as life, and technology. The author wrote this book to let more people how the past was in evolution. Knowing that the earth was created since billion of years it is crazy to know that it has only been 40 years that the first human has stepped on the moon. This topic could be important for people that want to know more about life or technology and evolution of the world. I really like the index because you can see someone’s name that you have heard a lot and know more about what he did that couldve changed the world. These are few questions answered from the library sheet.I would definitely recommend this book to my classmates. I would even recommend this book to people from 7th to 9th grade. Even 9th graders would enjoy this book as for the information is strong and well developed. It talks about people that are famous that have changed the world but also about less famous people such as Ronald Ross who found the cause of Malaria. My favorite part of the book was a timeline that was well made that gave a good understanding of the book. My least favorite part of the book was when they talked about geological things that really confused me. This section was really hard to understand and would be good for 9th graders. Overall, this book was nice.If I could give an alternative title for this book, I would switch the original title Evolution to The Evolution of The History. Because Evolution is a bit too vast but this book talks about all kind of evolution such as life, and technology. The author wrote this book to let more people how the past was in evolution. Knowing that the earth was created since billion of years it is crazy to know that it has only been 40 years that the first human has stepped on the moon. This topic could be important for people that want to know more about life or technology and evolution of the world. I really like the index because you can see someone’s name that you have heard a lot and know more about what he did that couldve change the world. These are few questions answered from the library sheet.I would definitely recommend this book to my classmates. I would even recommend this book to people from 7th to 9th grade. Even 9th graders would enjoy this book as for the information is strong and well developed. It talks about people that are famous that have changed the world but also about less famous people such as Ronald Ross who found the cause of Malaria. My favorite part of the book was a timeline that was well made that gave a good understanding of the book. My least favorite part of the book was when they talked about geological things that really confused me. This section was really hard to understand and would be good for 9th graders. Overall, this book was nice.
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