MP3 Everybodys Autobiography by Gertrude Stein portable francais eReader book italian

MP3 Everybodys Autobiography by Gertrude Stein portable francais eReader book italian

MP3 Everybodys Autobiography by Gertrude Stein portable francais eReader book italian

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Book description
In 1937, Gertrude Stein wrote a sequel to The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, but this darker and more complex work was long misunderstood and neglected. An account of her experiences in the wake of having authored a bestseller, Everybodys Autobiography is as funny and engaging as The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, but it is also a meditation on the meaning of success and identity in America. Everybodys Autobiography is Stein at her most accessible and her most serious, and is among her most popular books.
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