MP3 Dynamic and Mobile GIS: Investigating Changes in Space and Time by Jane Drummond (Editor) story pocket amazon download djvu

MP3 Dynamic and Mobile GIS: Investigating Changes in Space and Time by Jane Drummond (Editor) story pocket amazon download djvu

MP3 Dynamic and Mobile GIS: Investigating Changes in Space and Time by Jane Drummond (Editor) story pocket amazon download djvu

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Book description
With the widespread use of PDAs, wireless internet, Internet-based GIS, and 3G and 4G telecommunications, the technology supporting mobile GIS is rapidly gaining popularity and effectiveness. Dynamic and Mobile GIS: Investigating Changes in Space and Time addresses Web GIS, mobile GIS, and the modeling, processing, and representation of dynamic events, as well as current demands to update GIS representations. Providing a comprehensive overview of this emerging technology, this book highlights innovations, new ways of modeling both spatial objects and dynamic processes affecting them, and advances in visualization. Featuring contributions from established GIS workers, it begins with an introduction of extant technology and previews future developments. The book examines challenges to security and privacy and presents practical solutions to these problems while focusing on modeling approaches and exploring the need to display an appropriate level of information in a mobile environment. Concluding with a study of mobility, the book also contains practical examples of applications of mobile devices for disaster management and environmental monitoring. Dynamic and Mobile GIS: Investigating Changes in Space and Time offers detailed cases of successful applications and identifies the current cutting-edge aspects of mobile and dynamic GIS. The book also looks to the future, investigating important research directions and potential challenges.
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