MP3 Dreams of Eli by Van Heerling (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks

MP3 Dreams of Eli by Van Heerling (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks

MP3 Dreams of Eli by Van Heerling (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks

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Book description
There should be SIX STARS available for beautifully written books such as this. The author captures that rare ability to evoke emotions in a person. The characters are so well developed that you feel for them, sympathize with them and cry for them. Dreams of Eli takes you on an emotional journey with his childhood friend Ezra. The story takes you back and forth through time to Elis childhood and then to adult years. This is a story that will have you reflecting on your own life and what really is most important. Elis journey will make you laugh and make you cry. The friendship between himself and Ezra is such a beautiful one a rare and true friendship. This is a story of love and loss and one I urge you to read. This is an original beautiful story that I will re-read again...
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