MP3 Devarian Exile by Sierra Dafoe (Goodreads Author) online mp3 doc read direct link

MP3 Devarian Exile by Sierra Dafoe (Goodreads Author) online mp3 doc read direct link

MP3 Devarian Exile by Sierra Dafoe (Goodreads Author) online mp3 doc read direct link

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Book description
Under the laws of the Nine-Star League, all men are slaves. But when Soleyla Devarian, a captain of the elite League Guardians, falls in love with her new pleasure-slave, Kantou, she begins to question the very League she is sworn to uphold.Badly abused by his previous owner, Kantou is handsome, intelligent, and emotionally vulnerable. Soleyla, moved by his desperate yearning to find a woman to whom he can give himself utterly, is determined to prove she is that woman. She vows to win Kantous trust and make him feel safe enough to allow himself the complete sexual submission she knows he craves.But when she is posted to Antoros, a newly discovered world in the far reaches of the galaxy, Soleyla finds herself equally drawn to Rolen, the fiery, passionate leader of the Antorean rebels the Guardians have been ordered to crush. Now Soleylas trapped between two alluring men and their conflicting desires -- and theres only one way to fulfill them both
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