MP3 Dangerous Disease and Dangerous Therapy in Jewish Medical Ethics: Principles and Practice by Akiva Tatz text mp3 price free apple

MP3 Dangerous Disease and Dangerous Therapy in Jewish Medical Ethics: Principles and Practice by Akiva Tatz text mp3 price free apple

MP3 Dangerous Disease and Dangerous Therapy in Jewish Medical Ethics: Principles and Practice by Akiva Tatz text mp3 price free

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Book description
Rabbi Akiva Tatzs latest work presents a detailed approach to dangerous disease and therapy in Jewish Law. Part One includes sections on General Principles, approach to Risk, Dangerous and Terminal Illness, Withholding and withdrawing therapy, analgesia in dangerously and terminally ill patients, euthanasia and assisted suicide, resuscitation, live organ donation, coercion and consent, triage, interventions in pregnancy, experimental therapy, screening and prevention, among others. Sections are followed by analyzed clinical cases demonstrating the relevant principles in clinical application.Part Two present a survey of the current approach to these issues in general medical ethics and points out where the Jewish approach differs, often sharply, by considering cases and reports drawn from the mainstream medical literature in the light of the principles and values demonstrated in Part One.
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