MP3 Crossing the Ice by Jennifer Comeaux (Goodreads Author) value text macbook online eng

MP3 Crossing the Ice by Jennifer Comeaux (Goodreads Author) value text macbook online eng

MP3 Crossing the Ice by Jennifer Comeaux (Goodreads Author) value text macbook online eng

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Book description
Falling hard never felt so good.Pair skaters Courtney and Mark have one shot left at their Olympic dream. They vow not to let anything get in their way, especially not Josh and Stephanie, the wealthy and talented brother and sister team.The heart doesn’t always listen to reason, though…The more time Courtney spends with sweet, shy Josh, the harder she falls for him. But they are on opposite sides of the competition, and their futures are headed in opposite directions. Will their friendship blossom into more or are their paths too different to cross?After you finish the book, read the bonus epilogue here!
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