MP3 Creature Features: Twenty-Five Animals Explain Why They Look the Way They Do by Steve Jenkins download pdf

MP3 Creature Features: Twenty-Five Animals Explain Why They Look the Way They Do by Steve Jenkins download pdf

MP3 Creature Features: Twenty-Five Animals Explain Why They Look the Way They Do by Steve Jenkins download pdf

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Book description
Dear  axolotl: Why do you have feathers growing out of your head? Axolotl: They arent feathers—theyre gills! They let me breathe underwater. Lets face it. Even as babies, we humans pay close attention to faces. Observing another persons features and expressions tells us whether they are happy, angry, excited, or sad. And when we look at an animal, its hard not to imagine that its face is communicating human feelings. This isnt true, of course. Squinty eyes, an upturned mouth, or another odd expression is probably there because, in some way, it helps that animal survive.      Packed with many cool facts and visuals on where certain animals live and what they eat, this book captures twenty-five humorous—and very true—explanations of why animals look the way they do in order to exist in this world.
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