MP3 Creativity and Beyond: Cultures, Values, and Change by Robert Paul Weiner iBooks look doc online ebay

MP3 Creativity and Beyond: Cultures, Values, and Change by Robert Paul Weiner iBooks look doc online ebay

MP3 Creativity and Beyond: Cultures, Values, and Change by Robert Paul Weiner iBooks look doc online ebay

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Book description
Creativity and Beyond offers a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary tour of cultures past and present to examine the different ways people have conceived of creativity and how the common understanding of creativity is changing in the current flux of global culture. Weiner analyzes the ways in which understanding creativity is tied to broader contemporary patterns, including intellectual concerns with postmodernism; trends in the arts; the changing status of women; the power of the electronic media; multiculturalism; developments in psychology, science, and technology; and the dramatic political, economic, and social transformations of our age.
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