MP3 Complete Abandon by Cheryl Holt (Goodreads Author) german online english format offline

MP3 Complete Abandon by Cheryl Holt (Goodreads Author) german online english format offline

MP3 Complete Abandon by Cheryl Holt (Goodreads Author) german online english format offline

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Book description
No bargain as enticing as...When Emma Fitzgerald storms the manor home of the new Viscount Wakefield, she feels more than justified fury. Having just inadvertently witnessed his lordship in scandalous dishabille with his London mistress, her blood pounds with outrage...and with a thrill she has never felt. She has come to demand better treatment for his tenants, to seek some compassion, a shred of decency from this dastardly rake whose reputation for sin and debauchery precedes him. Now, the erotic image of his powerful flesh only heightens her determination to make this wicked rogue accountable for his actions...One sealed with a kiss...Certainly no woman has ever dared to take John Clayton to task as though he is a naughty schoolboy, and no woman, especially one as enticing as Emma, ever has refused to be baited by his bold, assessing gaze. Instead she seems to look beneath his skin to see more than a scandalous rake. But this prim and proper Vicars daughter leaves him speechless when she proposes a bargain worthy of his own insolence. In return for his kindness to others, she offers herself. Vowing to regain the upper hand, John brazenly sets out to introduce Emma into the art of love-heedless of the consequences to his own heart...
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