MP3 Cadet Kirk by Diane Carey phone shop tablet wiki free

MP3 Cadet Kirk by Diane Carey phone shop tablet wiki free

MP3 Cadet Kirk by Diane Carey phone shop tablet wiki free

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Book description
James T. Kirk was a by-the-book Starfleet Academy cadet. Until he had to throw the book away! It was a simple shuttle trip -- just a quick hop to a nearby planet where renowned computer genius Richard Daystrom will give a lecture. But then a tractor beam forces the shuttle to land at a remote Federation outpost. Medical Intern McCoy, Ensign Spock and Cadet Kirk have been kidnapped by space pirates! Theyre outnumbered and outgunned. McCoy and Spock simply want to escape and alert the authorities. But Professor Daystrom is the real target, and his shuttle will be entering this region of space soon. For Daystroms sake, The fiery young Kirk is determined to destroy the pirates outpost -- even if he has to do it alone.
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