MP3 Burning Bright by John Steinbeck mobi online

MP3 Burning Bright by John Steinbeck mobi online

MP3 Burning Bright by John Steinbeck mobi online

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Book description
3.5 Stars I have a fondness for Steinbeck, and so it is with great regret that I have to criticize this novella. My edition comes in at a whopping 93 pages, and I really think that about a quarter of that shouldve found its way to the cutting room floor. There are better ways to convey concepts and ideas than repetition. There are better ways of showing emotion than overwrought dialogue. Perhaps if this had been written in more of a standard play format, it wouldnt have felt that way... but working it up as a novel format makes it seem a bit awkward. But this was an experiment, I think, in the fact that each act takes place in a different setting. First, the main characters are part of a circus, then they are farmers, then sailors. Im not sure just what the point of this was - it almost seems like they are alternate versions of the characters - but as each one picks up where the last has left off, its a little... weird. It definitely took me by surprise the first time it shifted, but I stuck with it. Its not like it was a huge time investment. If the technical aspects of the story are removed, though, and we just look at the themes, its the Steinbeck Ive come to love. He writes about human emotion and need so convincingly, and understands the dynamics of relationship so well, that its hard not to identify with his characters. I cant say that any of these characters are favorites - they have nothing on Tom Joad or Lenny and George, but they are well-written, understandable, identifiable characters that carry the story, each in their own way. So, I dont think that Burning Bright will ever be a favorite of mine. But it is a decent story (if a bit... unusual) and one which has an interesting morality and ethical dilemma at its core. Id definitely recommend it... but its Steinbeck. Like thats a chore. ;)
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