MP3 Brilliant Creatures by Clive James kindle pdf book macbook mobile

MP3 Brilliant Creatures by Clive James kindle pdf book macbook mobile

MP3 Brilliant Creatures by Clive James kindle pdf book macbook mobile

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Book description
I used to love Clive James on the TV - and certainly he brings his endless wit, cleverness and intellect into this book. However, theres a little bit too much authors voice at the beginning of the book for me, and I started to get quite irritated. I very nearly stopped reading - but then the story began and the characters took off, and I suddenly started enjoying it.Written in the 80s - and with quite a bit of contemporary observation it now feels quite dated. But it is a fun comment on the antics of the literati of the day, and its worth a read if you enjoyed Clive Jamess humour.
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