MP3 Bound to Surrender by Jenna Jacob (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

MP3 Bound to Surrender by Jenna Jacob (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

MP3 Bound to Surrender by Jenna Jacob (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

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Book description
After suffering a brutal hate crime, submissive Trevor Hammond’s outward appearance projects the usual carefree demeanor his friends know and love. But inside, the remnants of his battered psyche and the ghosts of his assailants keep him bound in chains of anxiety.While his Master, Moses Abrams, aka Daddy Drake, is aware of the devastation consuming his precious sub, he finds himself powerless to neutralize his lover’s demons. Embarking on an unconventional journey, Drake is determined to find a way to heal and bring back the man who owns his heart..Will his love be enough to draw Trevor back from the darkness?
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