MP3 Black Elk Speaks by Christopher Sergel (Adaptor) buy amazon bookstore download epub

MP3 Black Elk Speaks by Christopher Sergel (Adaptor) buy amazon bookstore download epub

MP3 Black Elk Speaks by Christopher Sergel (Adaptor) buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
Black Elk Speaks by Christopher Sergel was a book with the purpose to inform. This book is all about his encounter with the famous Native American Black Elk. He speaks with Black Elk about the tragedies in his life, but also his feelings and spiritual awareness. It informs you of the way the white men treated the Native Americans, and how they responded to the poor treatment. Black Elk describes the spiritual life of the Native Americans, and how they lived everyday life. This book shares a piece of someones life with you in a deeper way. The book informs you of the massacre at wounded knee, and how thousands of Native Americans died. Black Elk was one of the very few to survive, and you get to see the perspective of one who was there. This book gives you information from a new perspective.The theme of the book is perseverance and keeping an open mind. The Native Americans had to go through a lot of tough times, but they could not just give up. This book shows the heart of who they were, and how they did not take things for granted. This book informs you of how the Indians loved life, but they were never treated fairly. The white men that came to them had such a narrow minded attitude they shunned thousands of people and ran them away from their home. They broke thousands of families, because they did not appreciate the Native Americans and all that they could do.This book was a description. The author communicated what he learned and what was said to him. Sergel sought to show the feeling of the time period and how it effected many Native Americans. The authors style was not just boring and informative, but had feeling and understanding of the people. Without his knowledge and relationship with Black Elk, the book would have been dry. The authors style makes you feel like you were there interviewing Black Elk with him.I really enjoyed this book. It makes you want to rewrite history and give a different experience to the Native Americans. We treated them unfairly, and they went through so much misery and pain. I loved getting an insight on to who the Indians were. It was so interesting to get to see their spiritual beliefs, and how Black Elk understood people. Black Elk had a different grasp on life, and it was wonderful to read in this great book Black Elk Speaks.
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