MP3 Belonging to Them by Marla Monroe (Goodreads Author) read doc pocket how read book

MP3 Belonging to Them by Marla Monroe (Goodreads Author) read doc pocket how read book

MP3 Belonging to Them by Marla Monroe (Goodreads Author) read doc pocket how read book

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Book description
Brandon and Bolton are brothers living in the Border Lands. Heather hides in their trailer to escape slavery, but has she traded one cage for another? The brothers are more than happy to help her out and take her home to their Border Land Farm. They work to convince her they are good guys and won’t hurt her.Bolton knows he has fallen in love with her, but Brandon isn’t sure she sees him as more than her keeper or owner. He wants her to feel the same love she feels for his brother, so he pulls away.It takes nearly losing her to a wolf attack for Brandon to realize he’s being childish in asking for her to treat him differently than she does his brother. She loves them both equally, and he has almost lost the best thing that ever happened to him.
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