MP3 Arcana: Societies of Magic by Kevin Brennan download book fb2

MP3 Arcana: Societies of Magic by Kevin Brennan download book fb2

MP3 Arcana: Societies of Magic by Kevin Brennan download book fb2

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Book description
Sorcerers and wizards are not the only practitioners of the magical arts. Esoteric orders of arcane initiates push the boundaries of magic beyond the limits of tomes and blood. The Abbey of Green Steel trains monks that pack a magical punch, the Servants of Decay subvert civilization with dark rites, and The School Behind the Veil teaches warriors to use divination to best their opponents. Arcana: Societies of Magic details six different organizations that employ unique styles of magic to achieve their ends. The description of each society includes information of the groups history, goals, hierarchy, and leaders, as well as a map of its headquarters. New skills, feats, spells and prestige classes make it a complete package. Like Green Ronins award-winning Freeport series, Arcana: Societies of Magic can be used in any fantasy campaign.
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