MP3 An Overdue Understanding by Amity Maree find download shop iBooks epub

MP3 An Overdue Understanding by Amity Maree find download shop iBooks epub

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Book description
Shea is an investigative reporter and very good at her job. The trouble with that is that it puts her life in danger from time to time, and that is why her husband, CIA Chief of Staff Blaze Daughtery left her. Shea wouldn’t listen to reason, and when he tried to protect her, she would get angry and have major tantrums. Her latest investigation has proven that a well-known contractor is using inferior building materials, and paying off inspectors for a pass. When three persons were killed in an elevator drop in one of his new buildings, Shea searched for incriminating evidence and found it. Blaze’s sixth sense alerted him to the danger Shea was in, and he arrived just seconds before Shea and her very pregnant cousin where shot at in an attempt to kill them to prevent Shea from breaking the story. Blaze is determined to put his marriage back together by applying a firm hand to his wife’s cute bottom; that is, provided he can keep her alive long enough to tame her wild temper.
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