MP3 Adam by Chris Keniston (Goodreads Author) epub online free

MP3 Adam by Chris Keniston (Goodreads Author) epub online free

MP3 Adam by Chris Keniston (Goodreads Author) epub online free

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Book description
Welcome to Farraday Country, set in cattle-ranching west Texas, with all the friends, family and fun that fans have come to expect from USA TODAY Bestselling author Chris Keniston.On a barren road in the pre-dawn hours, Adam Farraday, the oldest of seven siblings, happens upon a disabled sports car and an angel in white searching for a disappearing dog. What is it about this secretive redheaded beauty that intrigues him as no woman has before?After learning her fiancés true nature minutes before her wedding, Meg OBrien drives as fast and as far away from her world as she can. Stranded with no money, and nowhere to go, the city girl must learn to fit in to small town life and all its quirky trappings. Too bad falling in love with her handsome rescuer is not an option.
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