MP3 A Tooth from the Tigers Mouth: How to Treat Your Injuries with Powerful Healing Secrets of the Great Chinese Warrior by Tom Bisio free mp3 djvu pdf epub

MP3 A Tooth from the Tigers Mouth: How to Treat Your Injuries with Powerful Healing Secrets of the Great Chinese Warrior by Tom Bisio free mp3 djvu pdf epub

MP3 A Tooth from the Tigers Mouth: How to Treat Your Injuries with Powerful Healing Secrets of the Great Chinese Warrior by Tom

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Book description

Book description
A renowned expert in Chinese sports medicine and martial arts reveals ancient Eastern secrets for healing common injuries, including sprains, bruises, deep cuts, and much more.For centuries, Chinese martial arts masters have kept their highly prized remedies as carefully guarded secrets, calling such precious and powerful knowledge “a tooth from the tigers mouth.” Now, for the first time, these deeply effective methods are revealed to Westerners who want alternative ways to treat the acute and chronic injuries experienced by any active person.While many books outline the popular teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, only this one offers step-by-step instructions for treating injuries. Expert practitioner and martial artist Tom Bisio explains the complete range of healing strategies and provides a Chinese first-aid kit to help the reader fully recover from every mishap: cuts, sprains, breaks, dislocations, bruises, muscle tears, tendonitis, and much more.He teaches readers how to:-Examine and diagnose injuries -Prepare and apply herbal formulas -Assemble a portable kit for emergencies -Fully recuperate with strengthening exercises and healing dietary adviceComprehensive and easy to follow, with drawings to illustrate both the treatment strategies and the strengthening exercises, this unique guidebook will give readers complete access to the powerful healing secrets of the great Chinese warriors.
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