MP3 A Shot of J&B by Lou Sylvre (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

MP3 A Shot of J&B by Lou Sylvre (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

MP3 A Shot of J&B by Lou Sylvre (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

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Book description
Six years ago, Brian Harrison helped save the life of Jackie Vasquez, and he’s never really forgotten him. After the rescue, Brian ended his employment with Jackies uncle Luki and left the US for England, aiming to distance himself from the confused feelings—not lust, but not brotherly—that then sixteen-year-old Jackie engendered. Now Jackie has become a man, and when they meet again by chance, lust with a dose of D/s rope kink is definitely on the list of possibilities. As they get to know each other, though, lust shows every sign of growing into love, deep and true. When Jackie moves to London for graduate studies in criminal psychology, he and Brian hope they’ll be able to enjoy each others frequent company. But they havent factored in the claim Brians police job with Scotland Yard will make on his time, especially when the “Gaslighter crimes” sap investigative resources. An abandoned aide dog named Soldier leads to a breakthrough clue, and a chain of discoveries fall like dominoes. As Brian rushes to beat the criminal’s game before it escalates to true terror, he comes to an undeniable conclusion: Jackie Vasquez, the man he loves, is in mortal danger.
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