MP3 A Risk Worth Taking by Zana Bell itunes value txt mobile download

MP3 A Risk Worth Taking by Zana Bell itunes value txt mobile download

MP3 A Risk Worth Taking by Zana Bell itunes value txt mobile download

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Book description
Any red-blooded American male would be all over Cressa Curtis. Shes gorgeous, shes wild and clearly shes open for a no-strings-attached adventure. But Adam Walkers been there, done that. And now he wants more for himself. Even with his history, Adam still believes in love and family and marriage and the whole white picket fenceВ—hardly what Cressa is offering.Besides, everything about the crazy Kiwi spells danger and distractionВ—two things Adam cant afford to risk with his sights set on medical school. Hes only in New Zealand for a month. Surely he can resist Cressas advances that longВ….
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