MP3 A Judgement in Stone by Ruth Rendell book epub online

MP3 A Judgement in Stone by Ruth Rendell book epub online

MP3 A Judgement in Stone by Ruth Rendell book epub online

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Book description
What on earth could have provoked a modern day St. Valentines Day massacre?On Valentines Day, four members of the Coverdale family--George, Jacqueline, Melinda and Giles--were murdered in the space of 15 minutes. Their housekeeper, Eunice Parchman, shot them, one by one, in the blue light of a televised performance of Don Giovanni. When Detective Chief Superintendent William Vetch arrests Miss Parchman two weeks later, he discovers a second tragedy: the key to the Valentines Day massacre hidden within a private humiliation Eunice Parchman has guarded all her life.В В A brilliant rendering of character, motive, and the heady discovery of truth, A Judgement in Stone is among Ruth Rendells finest psychological thrillers.
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