MP3 A History of London by Robert Gray mp3 francais read writer tom

MP3 A History of London by Robert Gray mp3 francais read writer tom

MP3 A History of London by Robert Gray mp3 francais read writer tom

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Book description
Another broad survey book--a bit scattershot in places due to the vast amounts of data the writer has to choose from, but very readable. The book goes all the way back to 70 million years ago, so theres a lot of ground to cover. Mercifully, Gray cover the first 69+ million years in about two pages. He injects his religious viewpoint a bit, which annoys me. Nothing horrible, but theres occasionally a nowadays we think attitude to religion that I think is out of place in a book written in 1978. Still, its pretty minor and doesnt lower my score for the book which is a solid 4.
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