MP3 A Cold White Sun by Vicki Delany (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

MP3 A Cold White Sun by Vicki Delany (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

MP3 A Cold White Sun by Vicki Delany (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

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Book description
It’s the end of March and Trafalgar, British Columbia, is preparing for the last influx of the seasonal skiers. Teachers, parents, and students are preparing to relax at home or head off on vacation. But for high school English teacher Cathy Lindsay, the week of relaxation doesn’t work out as planned. She’s gunned down by a sniper on a hiking trail, her small dog the only witness.Cathy Lindsay is an unlikely candidate for a murderous ambush: she was a respected teacher, in an apparently solid marriage to an Internet developer, living a quiet life. Sergeant John Winters, with the help of young Constable Molly Smith, digs into the Lindsay marriage and friendships, searching for a motive, but one thought continually niggles at the back of his mind: is it possible this was not a random killing but a case of mistaken identity?
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