Long Tailed Tit

Long Tailed Tit


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Family: Aegithalidae
Genus: Aegithalos
Kingdom: Animalia
Species: A. caudatus
The long-tailed tit or long-tailed bushtit (Aegithalos caudatus) is a common bird found throughout Europe and the Palearctic. The genus name Aegithalos was a term used by Aristotle for some European tits, including the long-tailed tit.
Перевести · The long-tailed tit is a tiny bird of hedgerows, woodland, parks and gardens. It builds a domed nest out of moss in a bush or the fork of a tree, …
Длиннохво́стая сини́ца, или ополовник, — одна из мелких певчих птиц отряда воробьинообразных. …
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Перевести · The long-tailed tit is easily recognisable with its distinctive colouring, a tail which is bigger than its body, and undulating flight. Gregarious and noisy residents, long-tailed tits …
Перевести · Fairly common and widespread across Europe and Asia in wooded and forested habitats, parks, …
Перевести · Long-tailed tits are very small birds, typically less than half the weight of a robin. They have a fluffy pale-pinkish breast, dark wings, a short beak and, of course, a long tail. Despite their name, long-tailed tits …
Перевести · 04.03.2020 · Ukrainian. Синиця довгохвоста. Aegithalos caudatus (Linnaeus, 1758) PROTONYM: Parus caudatus Linnaeus, 1758. Syst.Nat.ed.10, p.190. TYPE LOCALITY: Sweden. Definitions. AEGITHALOS. ( Aegithalidae; Ϯ Long-tailed Tit A. caudatus) Gr. αιγιθαλος aigithalos tit…
Перевести · The Long-tailed tit is a round-bodied tit with a short, stubby bill and a very long, narrow tail. The male and the female look the same and young birds undergo a complete molt …
Birds in this family live in flocks ranging from 4 to over 50 individuals. Flocks form as soon as one breeding season finishes and last until the next one begins. They maintain contact with contact calls that vary among species; their songs are quiet or nonexistent. Other species of birds, such as tits or warblers, will occasionally join the flock to forage.

Diet and feeding
Birds in this family live in flocks ranging from 4 to over 50 individuals. Flocks form as soon as one breeding season finishes and last until the next one begins. They maintain contact with contact calls that vary among species; their songs are quiet or nonexistent. Other species of birds, such as tits or warblers, will occasionally join the flock to forage.

Diet and feeding
Bushtits are insectivorous, primarily eating insects and other invertebrates such as leafhoppers, treehoppers, aphids, scale insects, and caterpillars. Plant material, such as berries or seeds, is taken occasionally during the winter. The family generally forages arboreally, usually in the shrub layer or canopy, and seldom visits the ground. Prey is generally gleaned from branches, leaves and buds. Less frequently, prey is taken in the air. While foraging, this agile family may hang upside down on branches (although this behaviour is not thought to occur in the tit-warblers) and even manipulate branches and leaves in order to locate hidden food.

The family generally has a monogamous breeding system, however there is some evidence that the American bushtit may be frequently polyandrous and occasionally polygynandrous or polygynous. Pairs may be aided by helpers, where a related or unrelated individual (or more than one) helps the established pair raise the young. This has been recorded in at least four of the species; further research is required to see if the behavior carries over to other members of the family. Aegithalids make domed or hanging, bag-like nests of woven cobwebs and lichen, which they line with feathers. Many nests are constructed in trees with thick foliage, making them difficult for predators to find. However, the American bushtit often places nests such that it is entirely exposed. The clutch comprises 5 to 10 white eggs, which in many of the species have red speckles. Adults incubate the eggs for 13 to 14 days; young stay in the nest for 16 to 18 days. In at least four of the species (the long-tailed tit, the black-throated bushtit, and silver-throated bushtit), only the female incubates. Young chicks are fed exclusively on insects and spiders.
Перевести · 27.04.2012 · Long Tailed Tit Singing - YouTube. Long Tailed Tit Singing. Watch later. …
длиннохвостая синица, ополовник (Aegithalos); длиннохвостая синица, ополовник (Aegithalos caudatus ...
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Включая результаты для "long-tailed tit".
Показывать только результаты для Long Tailed Tit?
Family: Aegithalidae
Genus: Aegithalos
Kingdom: Animalia
Species: A. caudatus
The long-tailed tit or long-tailed bushtit (Aegithalos caudatus) is a common bird found throughout Europe and the Palearctic. The genus name Aegithalos was a term used by Aristotle for some European tits, including the long-tailed tit.
Перевести · The long-tailed tit is a tiny bird of hedgerows, woodland, parks and gardens. It builds a domed nest out of moss in a bush or the fork of a tree, and camouflages it with cobwebs …
Длиннохво́стая сини́ца, или ополовник, — одна из мелких певчих птиц отряда воробьинообразных. Номинативный и …
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Перевести · The long-tailed tit is easily recognisable with its distinctive colouring, a tail which is bigger than its body, and undulating flight. Gregarious and noisy residents, long-tailed tits …
Перевести · Fairly common and widespread across Europe and Asia in wooded and forested habitats, parks, gardens, and hedges in farmland; sometimes visits bird feeders. Often …
Перевести · Long-tailed tits are very small birds, typically less than half the weight of a robin. They have a fluffy pale-pinkish breast, dark wings, a short beak and, of course, a long tail. Despite their name, long-tailed tits …
Перевести · 04.03.2020 · Ukrainian. Синиця довгохвоста. Aegithalos caudatus (Linnaeus, 1758) PROTONYM: Parus caudatus Linnaeus, 1758. Syst.Nat.ed.10, p.190. TYPE LOCALITY: Sweden. Definitions. AEGITHALOS. ( Aegithalidae; Ϯ Long-tailed Tit A. caudatus) Gr. αιγιθαλος aigithalos tit…
Перевести · The Long-tailed tit is a round-bodied tit with a short, stubby bill and a very long, narrow tail. The male and the female look the same and young birds undergo a complete molt …
Birds in this family live in flocks ranging from 4 to over 50 individuals. Flocks form as soon as one breeding season finishes and last until the next one begins. They maintain contact with contact calls that vary among species; their songs are quiet or nonexistent. Other species of birds, such as tits or warblers, will occasionally join the flock to forage.

Diet and feeding
Birds in this family live in flocks ranging from 4 to over 50 individuals. Flocks form as soon as one breeding season finishes and last until the next one begins. They maintain contact with contact calls that vary among species; their songs are quiet or nonexistent. Other species of birds, such as tits or warblers, will occasionally join the flock to forage.

Diet and feeding
Bushtits are insectivorous, primarily eating insects and other invertebrates such as leafhoppers, treehoppers, aphids, scale insects, and caterpillars. Plant material, such as berries or seeds, is taken occasionally during the winter. The family generally forages arboreally, usually in the shrub layer or canopy, and seldom visits the ground. Prey is generally gleaned from branches, leaves and buds. Less frequently, prey is taken in the air. While foraging, this agile family may hang upside down on branches (although this behaviour is not thought to occur in the tit-warblers) and even manipulate branches and leaves in order to locate hidden food.

The family generally has a monogamous breeding system, however there is some evidence that the American bushtit may be frequently polyandrous and occasionally polygynandrous or polygynous. Pairs may be aided by helpers, where a related or unrelated individual (or more than one) helps the established pair raise the young. This has been recorded in at least four of the species; further research is required to see if the behavior carries over to other members of the family. Aegithalids make domed or hanging, bag-like nests of woven cobwebs and lichen, which they line with feathers. Many nests are constructed in trees with thick foliage, making them difficult for predators to find. However, the American bushtit often places nests such that it is entirely exposed. The clutch comprises 5 to 10 white eggs, which in many of the species have red speckles. Adults incubate the eggs for 13 to 14 days; young stay in the nest for 16 to 18 days. In at least four of the species (the long-tailed tit, the black-throated bushtit, and silver-throated bushtit), only the female incubates. Young chicks are fed exclusively on insects and spiders.
Перевести · 27.04.2012 · Long Tailed Tit Singing - YouTube. Long Tailed Tit Singing. Watch later. …
длиннохвостая синица, ополовник (Aegithalos); длиннохвостая синица, ополовник (Aegithalos caudatus ...
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Long-tailed tit - Wikipedia
Long-tailed tit | The Wildlife Trusts
Long Tailed Tit Bird Facts | Aegithalos Caudatus - The RSPB
Long-tailed Tit - eBird
Long-Tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus) - Woodland Trust
Long-tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudatus - Birds of the World
Long-Tailed Tit - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on ...
Aegithalidae - Wikipedia
long-tailed tit - это... Что такое long-tailed tit?
Long Tailed Tit

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