Living Hell Torrent

Living Hell Torrent


Living Hell Torrent

All his life schoolteacher Frank Sears has carried with him a strange scar given to him by his mother before she committed suicide. The markings lead Frank to a top secret Cold War military project where an unstoppable, malignant organism is unleashed. Unaware that the creature feeds on light and energy, and moves with exponential speed, the army prepares to deploy its most sinister of all weapons - a nuclear bomb. Facing certain global catastrophe, Frank discovers his father had a diabolical connection to the creature's origin. With a ticking nuclear clock, Frank, along with the help of a hazmat specialist Carrie Freeborn, must confront the grim reality that only he is capable of stopping this living hell.
A mild-mannered teacher and a hazmat specialist have to figure out how to stop an unstoppable creature who feeds on light and energy, and moves with exponential speed, before it destroys everything in its path.
I was an extra in the movie but I have not seen it yet. But I know during filming I took a good fall while running out of a school building and was always wondering if they captured it and included it.<br/><br/>I was totally by accident and I was really embarrassed and I&#39;m not even a stunt man. If you have seen the movie and saw a guy in a black cowboy hat and tan jacket and blue shirt take a fall.... that was I.<br/><br/>I know being an extra is not a big deal but it was fun and very interesting to be on the set.<br/><br/>Not only do you get to see the behind the scenes of how things are done but you meet very interesting people. I would do it again and this time for free just for the fun of it.
&quot;Living Hell&quot; is a rather typical Sci-Fi Channel creature feature, for better or worse.<br/><br/>**SPOILERS**<br/><br/>Arriving on a military base, Frank Sears, (Johnathon Schaech) finds that entry to the site without permission. While working there, Carrie Freeborn, (Erica Leerhsen) manages to get into trouble with her superior Col. Eric Maitland, (James McDaniel) for her team&#39;s inability to decontaminate the area from years of nuclear testing. Managing to sneak on anyway, he manages to tell his tale about a secret military base his family worked on that was deactivated, and after finding his story to be true, find the test and reactive it, which turns out to be a genetically-engineered human that was designed to move through the air at the speed of electricity, and it manages to get loose in the facility. As it stalks and takes out the team one-by-one, they realize that he holds he key to stopping the creature. Using this as a way to ending it&#39;s rampage, they band together to fight it off before it escapes the base and go out into the world.<br/><br/>The Good News: One of the main things it gets right is the high amount of action on display. There&#39;s a lot of encounters with the creature in here, more than expected, and it leads to some great points due to the amount of encounters. The fact that this one has a lot manages to make them feel really good when they come up in the film. The opening encounter inside the hidden room in the basement is really great, with the creepiness of the location meshing well with the deeply creepy way it&#39;s shot through the video-cameras of the attacked personnel is a really great scene. That it leads into a rather frantic and enjoyable firefight through the base and leading to a really fun sequence that works the really great moments there. Even the chaos of the Army traveling through town and it has some really fun parts that come from that set-piece. There&#39;s also the high body count that allows for many numerous kills in here. Although it isn&#39;t bloody or gory but the fact that it still knocks off a lot is really great. With the many different ways of swarming over the body, which are done with the usual manner of appearing up the stomach and up to the head, as well as the tentacles grabbing body parts and yanking them away, plus there&#39;s all the different ways of dismembering that goes on which look really brutal, upping the factor even more. It even has a few solid suspense scenes, as the later sequence where the tentacles are scene approaching the compound from underground as well as the audio clues that signal it&#39;s approach, and a feverish scene to free a trapped member before being engulfed testify. These elements here work in the film&#39;s favor.<br/><br/>The Bad News: As a typical Sci-Fi Channel film, this one has a few flaws in it. One of the main ones is that it copies a style many horror films have recycled over and over again, and it&#39;s the same plot expected to be successful. As if the accidental release of this organism, which basically is nothing but mutant CGI vines wasn&#39;t cliché enough, the origin of the vines has ties to illegal and immoral U.S. military and government experimentation from back in the days of Hiroshima. Having the U.S. government as responsible for this again is such a stale plot point that it can be seen in several different films with the exact same type of story as this one. It&#39;s such a cliché to have that come along in these kinds of films, and one more inclusion in the genre is something that might have negative connotations for some. There&#39;s also the fact that the film suffers from a really washed-out look that doesn&#39;t make it very appealing, especially on the outdoor scenes near the beginning. The other part that doesn&#39;t work is the already-mentioned CGI used for the creature effects. This is a problem of just about every single one of the usual films in this style, and that nothing in here changes that is a sign that it really has nothing at all to do with the rest of the genre films ho have that. It&#39;s quite ordinary of the genre, and that should be enough to tell what kind of CGI this one has. Otherwise, these here are the film&#39;s weaknesses.<br/><br/>The Final Verdict: While a typical Sci-Fi Channel film in some respects, this one also has a lot of really fun scenes to keep it interesting. Check it out if a fan of these kinds of films or in the mood for one that won&#39;t be too harming, while others who won&#39;t appreciate the film&#39;s flaws are urged to view with caution.<br/><br/>Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language

February 23rd on Sci-Fi Channel. The test audience when asked &quot;How would you describe watching that movie?&quot;. Yes, she does. 646f9e108c

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