Live Streaming Video Protocols Powered by Blockchain Technology- ON.LIVE

Live Streaming Video Protocols Powered by Blockchain Technology- ON.LIVE


OnLive Network is a live streaming video protocol supported by Blockchain technology. Thanks to blockchain, it ensures a full decentralization, high scalability and open market for censored media broadcasts that are censored around the world.

The On.Live platform lets users deliver virtually any service to anyone from anywhere and a broadcaster and earns money to serve valuable content in a variety of business models. We use blockchain to control transactions and residential tokens and we have platforms for real-time communication, commerce and transactions.

equipment completeness

Onlive's commercial success is driven by the steady growth of new Buyers and Sellers. Other Key Performance Indicators are Cost of Customer Acquisition, Repeated Charges of Service and Lifetime Customer Value which can be interpreted as per customer value is equipped with the tools and functions that are relevant to meet the needs of both broadcasters and viewers. Two lines of communication allow for public broadcasting, aimed at large groups of viewers, and one-on-one private consultations. Each of these options allows authors to monetize their activities while providing users with high quality services.

OnLive Market

The global digital transformation consultation market is worth about $ 23 billion for consultants by 2016. Currently stressed out, global digital transformation market is now achieving 2.26 billion pounds from all UK consulting markets worth £ 7.31 billion.

The global video streaming market for live services is $ 30.9 Billion by 2015 and is expected to grow at CAGR of more than 16% from 2017 to 2024 to reach $ 123.2 billion by 2024 and we will fill that gap in the form of live broadcasts and paid public broadcasts.

OnLive System

▪ Broadcasters - Broadcasters produce and broadcast content to the network

▪ Transcoder - Transcoder performs the task of transcoding the flow to another format.

▪ Open Network - Everyone can join the OnLive Network and play the role they want if it meets the technical and economic requirements

▪ Receiver - Receiver watch flows in selected quality and format and purchases direct service

▪ Service Providers - Anyone with expertise who can sell through our system and make personal offers.

▪ Relay Node - Relay nodes transmit streams to Recipients with or without transcoding.

How OnLive works

Creators or service providers create their own channels where they can sell services directly or they can broadcast a large audience to PPV, PPM, PPD, and others and sign smart contracts for transcoding and relay services. Customers pay for completed services and for access to live video broadcasts.


Direct Market Open Service

The Transcoding Marketplace is where Transcoders place their transcoding deals in the Transcoding Services Marketplace. The bid specifies parameters such as the formats they can transcode to and from, simultaneous capacity users are guaranteed to be served with Initial Transcoding Initial Cost.

Live Marketplace Services

The Live Services Marketplace is a place where any service provider or creator can offer its services through online broadcasts, video and audio, whereas any service consumer or viewer can use it quickly by searching for a trusted specialist offering ready to provide the service. This platform can be compared to the online market of live video services where every consumer can find talented specialists, individuals and companies offering different types of services such as:

medical consultation, legal counseling, other professional advisors or guitar lessons, for example, both online and mobile applications.


Market allows placement of 1 to 1 or 1 to 8 broadcast offerings. Sender and Receiver make connections using the format and quality of their choice without broadcasting the scalability issues and the need for Transcoders and Relay Nodes. This is an effective way to provide online medical consultations and online courses with integrated payouts and easy to use.

Transaction Security and Content Security

Security Transactions - Transactions between all parties are secured by blockchain and Smart Contracts. In the last version of OnLive Network there is no need for a trusted authority to confirm all transactions between all parties. Content Security - Content broadcast by Broadcasters is encrypted in a manner only Transcoder and Receiver that has been paid for the transmission can decrypt it.

Sales Token On.Live

We use blockchain to control transactions and settlements (tokens) and we have platforms for real-time communications, commerce and transactions. The ONL Token is an integral element of the OnLive Platform. It is used as a transmission and transcoding service to provide incentives on decentralized computing necessary for video broadcasting. Furthermore, this is the only payment option on our platform.

The ONL Token is an integral element of the OnLive Platform. This is used as a means for radio broadcasting required for video broadcasting. Furthermore, this is the only payment option on our platform.

Here rician token ONL:

• Pre-ICO Start: 22-01-2018 up to 22-02-2018 11:00 UTC

• ICO Begins: 11-03-2018 up to 11-04-2018

• Token Type: Token Utility

• Maximum supply: 111,000,000 ONLT

• oken is available in

• Pre-ICO: 12,210,000 ONL

• Tokens available at ICO: 61,050,000 ONL

• Pre-ICO Hard Cap: 14,000

• ICO Hard Cap: 100,000 ETH

How to participate?

We've set up detailed instructions for anyone who has not been comfortable in navigating the cryptocurrency world. Check out the steps to install the wallet, how to buy Ethereal (ETH) and how to send to OnLive during the token crowd with Token agreement. You can directly visit

On.Live Street Map

• Q1 2018

Widespread marketing and communications activities are connected to the platform. Create Launch Pre.OrGroup Pre ICO and ICO - Tocken, wait for the token registration on the crypto exchange. Prepare for the On.Live platform launch

• Q2 2018

Launched the platform, recruiting the first critical mass of users / broadcasters in the UK and US. One-to-one (WEB), PPV, PPM, PPD, PPE Escrow, Smart Intelligence, ONL, Pay.On.Live, Partnerships. The ONL Token is an integral element of the OnLive Platform. This is used as a cost currency and this is a one-terms payment option

• Q3 2018

Launch one to many broadcasts (WEB), public broadcast (centralized version), all Pay models. Looking for Transforming partners around the world

• Q4 2018

The widening of generic activity into the new sector increases the number of users / broadcasters, language versions. Set up mobile version (iOS and Android) versions for one-to-one modules. Smart Real time contract, Escrow, Pay.On.Live

• H1 2019

Decentralization, open one by one live streaming ecosystem. enable one-to-one transmission and build onlive based applications. Decentralization, open one by one live streaming ecosystem. enable one-to-one transmission and build onlive based applications

• H2 2019

OnLive one to many public broadcasts, open code for everyone. For video delivery directly to the network, transcode into various formats and bitrate and sell.

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Published By:  Kontolq_Abo

My ETH: 0xb7742Bb562b6acf9FAfAFFf3368D37972F671959

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