Live By Night Download

Live By Night Download


Live By Night Download

Joe Coughlin is the son of a Boston cop living during prohibition. He would fall in love with a girl who belongs to a gangster. He would ask her to runaway with him and to get money he tries to rob a bank but something goes wrong and some cops are killed. Joe would be caught and is about to be charged when his father intervened and got him a short sentence. When he gets out, needing a job, he goes to another gangster who offers him the position of overseeing his interests in Tampa. And Joe accepts. And Joe does a good job and he gets involved with a Cuban. Eventually he finds himself having to deal with the KKK, thing is he needs to tread carefully because the head man is the brother in law of the Sheriff. And when a thing he was planning that was suppose to net his boss a lot of money goes bust, he faces severe consequences.
A group of Boston-bred gangsters set up shop in balmy Florida during the Prohibition era, facing off against the competition and the Ku Klux Klan.
It&#39;s hard to expect the director Ben Affleck to crash and burn in such a sad disappointing manner. He gave us &quot;Argo&quot;, &quot;Gone Baby Gone&quot; and &quot;The Town&quot;, outstanding works of pure delight, great acting and surprisingly effective directing. The mentioned films had me at the edge of my seat, they provided spectacular moments of thrill and had positive relevance to life. &quot;Live by Night&quot; however was a struggle to endure by leaving me empty and tired, giving me less than expected and not carrying any kind of important relevance to anything. Problem is: it&#39;s the first time Mr. Affleck does the four main jobs on the same film, a task only destined to the likes of Chaplin, Welles or Beatty: writer, director, lead actor and producer. In the previous works, he always stopped with three functions and the results were brilliant. By adding one more function, he finally failed in possibly all accounts in a year that proved as one of his hardest (personal problems that were news at the end of the year) yet most prolific: the surprising &quot;The Accountant&quot; and the towering effort &quot;Batman v. Superman&quot; (and trust me, here&#39;s a film that didn&#39;t deserve half of the poor criticism is getting. The Ultimate Edition is a fine courageous 3-hour epic that works). So, a case of too much work that ruined the one thing he had under almost complete control? Possibly. And it breaks my heart in thumbing this down because a lot of people I admire are part of it and even though they form the best elements of the picture, they don&#39;t save it from its lack of goodness. <br/><br/>&quot;Live by Night&quot; attempts to create a film noir atmosphere tailored with a complex web of characters and situations we don&#39;t like, don&#39;t fully understand and don&#39;t get any important perspective on why such story was needed to be told. I&#39;m positively sure that Dennis Lehave novel might have something worth reading since he&#39;s a creative writer and of full hands when it comes to create something worth reading. Affleck gets all the wrong choices for someone as engaging as Lehane is. Unbereably dark cinematography, a suitable editing for action sequences but completely erratic for the dramatic ones; a peace and quiet that doesn&#39;t fit the movie, ruins its pace and makes it only worth seeing because it turns out to be the snooze fest of the year. Painfully tedious. The first half hour still has some mystery and we go along just fine; what comes from there it&#39;s just a strange roller-coaster that doesn&#39;t offer thrills, a point to make and or something to praise. <br/><br/>But it all must fall on Affleck&#39;s back. Vanity and greed were his ultimate sins here. Why he had to make everything in this picture? In fact, I don&#39;t think there&#39;s any function for him at all in this film except producing. The script is weak, the lines written are dull and barely work; his direction of actors is suitable BUT he gave himself the lead role, possibly one of the dumbest lead characters I&#39;ve ever seen and the amount of mistakes he makes during the film just makes him someone you don&#39;t care. Joe Coughlin knows how to pull off a heist but he&#39;s too naive when it comes to the matters of heart. And then we&#39;re trapped into countless problems: I&#39;m not sure if Emma is really a low character that doesn&#39;t provide any appeal to me or if it&#39;s Sienna Miller characterization that didn&#39;t help me at all. Whatever the case, beauty it&#39;s in the eyes of beholder and love is only in someone&#39;s heart and I failed to understand why he cared for her. As for his leading role, oh Ben...the character is bland, cold and for the very few things he says about himself, you wonder if he isn&#39;t being too harsh on himself or too harsh about life; and someone with that mindset, why not shooting himself instead of going through life like a poor excuse for a human being. <br/><br/>In terms of expectation vs. reality, &quot;Live by Night&quot; is a disappointment of near-epic proportions. The supporting cast makes the film (Brendan Gleeson, Chris Cooper, Chris Messina for some forced comic relief and even Clark Gregg&#39;s cameo); the production quality in technical aspects is fine but I hated the photography. The minor action sequences are worthy of praise - the car chase after the bank robbery and the final hotel shootout. But for what the film tried to show it wasn&#39;t enough for me to like it. What was the main thing here? That there&#39;s no way a good man can&#39;t be good again just because he&#39;s seen the horrors of war? That it&#39;s impossible to go through life without having to bow to someone more powerful than you? That matters of heart can&#39;t never go along with matters of business? There&#39;s no ultimate gain despite we&#39;re learning the lessons it shows. Perhaps the lesson is: make a movie but try not to overwork yourself in all functions because you&#39;ll overlook one aspect while trying to make it right with the others. It doesn&#39;t work unless you have perfect symmetry of functions. 5/10
I highly doubt that many people believed that Ben Affleck would ever recover from the plethora of awful decisions he made between 2000 and 2004, when he starred in such duds as Bounce, Pearl Harbor, Daredevil and, of course, Gigli. But recover he did, and he did so from behind the camera, delivering a stream of solid thrillers such as Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and the Best Picture winner of 2012, Argo (the first film to win the prize without the director receiving a nomination). For a star on a roll, 2016 wasn&#39;t particularly pleasant for Affleck, with his superhero movies Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, along with his action movie The Accountant, all receiving a critical hammering (although I rather enjoyed the latter). His awaited return to directorial duties is also a bust; an underwhelming, clichéd gangster picture with a half-arsed performance by its lead, pulling in only $21 million from a $65 million budget.<br/><br/>Joe Coughlin (Affleck) returns from fighting in World War I vowing never to kill another man. A petty bank robber and the son of an Irish police chief (Brendan Gleeson), Joe finds himself pulled into the gangster lifestyle when he falls in love with Emma Gould (Sienna Miller), the girlfriend of Irish mob boss Albert White (Robert Glenister). When their affair is uncovered, she wounds up dead and Joe is thrown into prison, serving only a few years thanks to the influence of his father. He comes out a changed man; one that is eager to take revenge and ready to embrace the lifestyle he always shunned in order to get it. Joe persuades White&#39;s rival, Italian boss Maso Pescatore (Remo Girone), to let him take over business in Tampa, where the rum business is booming thanks to Prohibition, and where White is trying to carve out a piece of the action for himself.<br/><br/>Live by Night basically follows Joe throughout his criminal career, as he partners up with his comedy relief best friend Dion Bartolo (Chris Messina) and sets about putting his rivals out of business. Yet the biggest challenge to his reign is not the White gang, but the Ku Klux Klan, who disapprove of his doing business with black folks, and dating Cuban beauty Graciela (Zoe Saldana). The most engaging sub-plot involves Joe&#39;s relationship with the local police Chief Figgis (Chris Cooper), a man who claims to be un-corruptible, yet turns a blind eye to Joe&#39;s dirty dealings. His beautiful daughter Loretta (Elle Fanning) goes off to Hollywood to become a star, only to come back a broken woman with a heroin addiction. She finds God, and draws a huge crowd as she preaches against the sin engulfing their city, placing Joe&#39;s grand casino development under threat in the process.<br/><br/>Whenever Cooper and Fanning are on screen, the movie hints at the far more interesting experience it could have been. The rest is a by-the-numbers gangster flick with the familiar good man corrupted by a thirst for success and power at its centre. There is some sumptuous cinematography and some colourful costume design to distract from the mediocrity of the story and performances, and an exciting shoot-out finale, but this is nowhere near enough to make up for how utterly bland Affleck&#39;s picture is. The talents of Gleeson and Saldana are wasted in underdeveloped roles, with only Messina&#39;s affable sidekick Bartolo identifiable as a fully realised character. Affleck plays the lead as stoic and damaged, but he fails to convince of the emotional turmoil bubbling beneath the surface. While it&#39;s hardly as outright embarrassing as Warner Bros.&#39; other crime saga flop Gangster Squad (2013), the studio obviously knew they had a stinker when Live by Night was rushed onto Blu Ray a measly two months after hitting theatres.
Labelling Live By Night a disaster is a little uncharitable; the baggy drama is perhaps more painfully mediocre than full-blown folly, but it’s close.

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