Little Teen Girls And Boys

Little Teen Girls And Boys


Quick, when was the last time your kid saw some other kid's privates? A kid of the opposite gender, I mean? When I was growing up, this was sort of a given. I'm the oldest of five children, so I saw all my sibs' diapers getting changed. And I saw my friends' mothers changing their babies' diapers. And I saw diapers getting changed at church. From an early age, I learned that little boys look different -- and it wasn't a big deal at all.
So it's just been weird to grow up and discover some people think children should be shielded from the horrifying knowledge that there are babies out there with DIFFERENT GENITALS! I mean, from there it's just a slippery slope of childhood corruption. Sayonara to your little darlings' shattered innocence. Now she knows there's such a thing as a penis -- OH MY GOD, you didn't tell her that's what it's called, did you?!?
Moms, most of you are totally over this, right? I mean, if you have a few of your own, or if you hang out with friends with kids, it's just unavoidable. Oh sure, you could lead your 3-year-old into a different room when you go to change or bathe her baby brother. But that's not practical. And anyway, what kind of a message is that going to send?
Kids have vivid imaginations. If you make a big deal of getting your older child out of the room every time the baby is nakey, she's going to come up with some sort of explanation. Like, from the waist down, Baby looks like the Kraken. Or he has highly toxic poo. Or you're sneaking him candy.
I think kids should see each other naked at a very young age. It's the best way to teach them about those differences in a healthy, un-sexualized way.
I think it's hard, sometimes, for grownups to see things from a kid's perspective. For a 3-year-old, having different genitals is utterly innocent. It's adults who layer on that sexual meaning. If you let your kids find out about all that while it's still innocent, I think they'll have a much healthier attitude about bodies. We don't have to start shaming our kids at such an early age -- society will do plenty of that when they're older.
Do you let your kids see other kids naked?
The first month with a new baby in the house is obviously exciting for Mom and Dad... and the dog and the neighbors and the grandparents and the mailman. But even out of the whole neighborhood, who could possibly be more excited that there's a baby around than the baby himself?
As they learn to live in the outside world for the first time, every sense that a baby has updates and adjusts to all the new things around them. They have to learn how to use all their brand new body parts to interact with this cool new world, and that involves a lot of growth and development on their part.
The first month is one of the biggest periods of change in a babies life, and here are some of the most dramatic changes you can expect.
Do any of these changes surprise you?
In the first week after birth, your baby is going to lose weight instead of gaining weight -- which can freak a lot of moms out. But losing 5 to 7 percent of their birth weight is normal for bottle-fed babies, and breastfed babies can lose up to 10 percent without it being cause for worry.
After that initial dip, your baby will grow pretty steadily for the next three weeks. Both boys and girls grow at a rate of about 8.8 ounces per week during the first month, which puts their total weight gain to about two and a half pounds for the first month.
When they're born, babies are more or less blind -- she'll be so nearsighted that they can't see anything but light and rough shapes. But in her first weeks, her vision will improve to the point where she can see things 10 to 12 inches away.
Your baby will be able to distinguish between dark and light from birth, but it'll be about two weeks until he starts seeing in color. Red is the first color he'll see, and as his eyes mature he'll start to see the rest of the rainbow, too.
Your baby can hear even before she's born, but her hearing won't be fully developed until she's one month old. You can tell she's listening because she'll startle at loud sounds and seem to recognize your voice.
Your newborn will spend 50 percent of his sleep dreaming, and since he'll probably sleep a total of 16 hours a day, that's eight hours of dreams. By the time he's a month old, he'll only dream about six hours a day ... and when he's an adult, he'll only get 1.5 hours of quality dream time a night.
It probably doesn't feel like it yet, but by the time they're a month old babies are already well on their way to sleeping through the night. When she's born, your baby will sleep at night 50 percent of time. When she's four weeks, that'll already be closer to 60 percent.
It makes sense: As your baby grows, she'll need more food. Breastfed newborns typically only eat 1.5 ounces of milk per feeding, but by the time she's a month old, she'll be eating double that.
In his first month, your baby's head will grow at a faster rate than it will at any other time. It'll probably be somewhere between an inch and two inches bigger by the time he's a month old -- all to make room for his growing brain.
It only takes a month for your baby to figure out exactly what he wants and how to get it. In the first couple weeks after he's born, he'll be crying different cries for different problems -- you'll be able to tell if he wants more food or a diaper change.
Diapers: Everything Moms Need To Know
How many diaper changes should my newborn get per day?
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