Lina Review

Lina Review


in spite of the fact that audits and commentators assume an essential part in fortifying interest for items and administrations and building picture for benefit suppliers, by and by the survey comes about are regularly controlled by corporations, extensive organizations through showcasing systems, or even an immediate collaboration with the survey framework suppliers, making it troublesome for clients to believe the consequences of item audits. also, the surveys and commentators are frequently confined, making it troublesome for clients to pursuit and analyze the audits among groups. the answer for this issue is to construct - the stage for looking into on blockchain, using blockchain's unchanging nature to create the most ideal straightforwardness and make conditions for commentators to profit by giving quality surveys, and effortlessly and straightforwardly connect with clients and suppliers of items or on the other hand benefits that are at present trustless. lina tokens should be the local token of the framework, with the reason for tokenizing the audit business.

What is Lina All About? is the stage for checking on blockchain, using blockchain's unchanging nature to deliver the most ideal straightforwardness and making conditions for commentators to profit by giving quality surveys, and additionally effortlessly and specifically connect with clients and suppliers of items or administrations absolutely trustless.

lina isn't only a site however it is a blockchain-based stage with the goal that everybody can construct their own audit framework to create group and deal with their own organizations. all lina-based audit channels are all inclusive associated.

Lina Solutions

By being actualized on Blockchain innovation, will address issues related to straightforwardness and unchanging nature of the score, and also create systems to encourage clients what's more, specialists acquire benefits in light of framework improvement and the nature of their audits (by means of shrewd contract).

The Lina Core

The Lina Core is a superior, adaptable private blockchain exchange administrations for recording nitty gritty exchanges to help stay away from Ethereum's system expenses in exchanges, stretch on people in general system because of the expansive volume of exchanges and to enhance the client involvement as far as inertness.

Exchanges and activities of trader and clients on and different frameworks are put away in Lina Core blockchain to guarantee the straightforwardness of surveys and anticipate extortion. Dealers can without much of a stretch check and confirm audits, clicks and different segments of a survey and promoting effort. As the data is put away on the blockchain, it can't be controlled, so dealers will pay for the genuine outcomes.


1.Lina audits are the main stage to utilize blockchain for their industry. Lina audit is totally straightforward and the survey result can not be faked this is another leap forward to offer trust to clients

2.In spite of numerous present contenders however Lina surveys give numerous accommodations in addition to clients and analysts will get a lina token in view of their commitment. Without a doubt this will be the inspiration for getting a token lina.

3.Tim Lina audit is a man who has encountered in this field. They will strive to ensure the venture is effective. By depending on blockchain innovation and an unmistakable mission vision of this venture. I am certain later on Lina's audit will be one of the pioneers in this survey industry.

4.Lina stage isn't only a site like alternate contenders. Lina is a blockchain based stage so everybody can construct their own particular frameworks and can deal with their own business


Lina Token (LINA) is the first indication of Lina Platform. This will be the ERC-20 check in light of Ethereum, a blockchain-based decentralization stage for applications that run precisely as customized without the shot of misrepresentation, oversight or outsider interruptions to encourage online authoritative understandings in a safe cryptographic manner.

The LINA Token

The Lina Token (LINA) is the native token of the Lina Platform. It will be ERC-20 token predicated on Ethereum, a blockchain-predicated decentralized platform for applications that runprecisely as programmed without any chance of fraud, censorship or third-party interference to facilitate online contractual acquiescents in a cryptographically secure manner.The total number of LINA token engendered will be 900,000,000. 33.33% of all LINA tokens (300,000,000) will be available for sale to the public in the LINA Token Generation Event. 66.67% of all LINA tokens (600,000,000) will be locked in Perspicacious Contract to be relinquished annually over 10 years (60,000,000 Token per year).

33.33% of LINA created during the Token Generation Event (300,000,000 Token) will be

allocated to the Public Contributors who contribute BTC/ETH to the project.

66.67% of LINA created during the Token Generation Event (600,000,000 Token) will be

locked in Smart Contract to be released annually over 10 years (60,000,000 Token per year).

The released Token will be distributed as follow:

• 15% to the Lina Foundation to keep the Lina Platform running.

• 15% will be reserved for future stakeholders.

• 35% to the Helpers.

• 35% to Large Token Holders (those in possession of > 1 million tokens).

Event will be used solely for the development of the Lina Platform:

• LINA Development: 48% of the project budget will be dedicated to the

development of the Lina Platform. This includes both the Lina Core Blockchain

and the Review Accommodation Application.

• Marketing: 17% of the project budget. This will cover community building events,

as well as reaching the general public to expand vigilance and adoption of the Lina


• Operations: 10% of the project budget. This will be utilized for day-to-day


• Licit Consultancy: 10% of the project budget. This will ascertain that

can be utilized in accordance with the regulations of local markets.

• Helper Network: 10% of the project budget will be habituated to build up the Helper

Network for

• Bug Bounties: 5% of the project budget will be acclimated to pay Bug Bounties.


for more info on  LINA project, please visit link below:

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author: Rudavbintoro

my Bitcointalk link profile:;u=2091432

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